Take Your Time

Take Your Time

Do the hard stuff.

Don’t rush the import things.

Slow down and do it right.

Our culture celebrates overnight success, doing things quickly, and optimizing efficiencies. Overnight success is often built on hundreds or thousands of hours of hard work, iteration, and failures. The ‘success’ may seem to happen overnight in the sense that one moment you’re unknown and unrecognized and the next you’re labeled a success. But what’s changed? The hard work is getting noticed. The hours of perfecting your craft are paying off as you’ve become incrementally better with each iteration of your work.

An overnight success seems like the dream but that dream is built on a mountain of hard work and repetition that most people never see. That’s the stuff we at Staz celebrate and encourage in everyone. Take some time to put in the work! Remember that no one will give you the time and it won't come to you from some external source or after you check the next 5 things off your to-do list. You have to choose to do it. It’s not something everyone can or will do and that’s why we chose it as our slogan. We want to be the reminder you need and a place to connect with like-minded folks who choose to take their time.

Anything worth doing in life takes time and effort. Often the amount of time and effort put in directly correlates to a better result. Of course, there are exceptions to this but not many. You can’t rush your way to fame as a musician. There’s no amount of biohacking and time optimization that can take an athlete from couch to Olympics. An artist doesn’t create a masterpiece in 20 minutes without years of learning and iteration. A mechanic restoring a classic car doesn’t finish without hours of labor, research, and planning. Becoming a good parent only happens when you take your time to understand yourself.

This brand is a celebration of those who take their time, put in the hours, and are not afraid to choose the harder path in search of a reward greater than fame and success. The pride and accomplishment come throughout the journey. The destination is often where people find themselves lost and disoriented. We celebrate the journey, the grind, the come-up, the unfinished projects, and the people motivated to build things that last.

On a personal note, I was told my entire life that I was too slow. I grew up in a culture of ‘move fast and break shit’ and the dream of overnight success. In my experience, I have found the most clarity and forward progress when I’ve taken sufficient time to slow down and work through the details before diving back in to solve the problem. If you want to build or create something meaningful and long-lasting then you should slow down, take your time, and do it the way it should be done. Don’t look for the shortcuts or avoid the hard work. Just sit down and get started. Rushing through can lead to bigger problems down the road that could have been avoided with a more methodical approach. I’m not telling you to give yourself analysis paralysis by combing over every detail or spending all of your time planning and researching instead of doing it. Do the thing! But don’t rush it. 

Take. Your. Time.

But don’t let that stop you from getting started.

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